We undertake a number of activities in the regulatory, research, analytical and infrastructural areas dedicated to specific areas of financial innovation

Out initiatives


Research and analytical activity is our key competence.



Regulatory sandboxes are our specialty. We design, implement and help run them.


SuperVision FinTech Talks

A forum for dialogue between the supervisory authority and market participants.




Next-generation financial center

We promote the idea of building an international financial center in Poland.



Check our training agenda for 2022.



We are a think tank, which is why research and analytical activity is our key competence. Since 2016, we have published a number of studies, thanks to which it was possible to identify barriers to the development of the fintech sector and deepen the knowledge about new financial phenomena and technologies.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.


We are actively involved in acceleration activities, including innovation testing. Regulatory sandboxes are our specialty. We design, implement and help run them.


Program is a technology sandbox for entrepreneurs from various sectors and market segments, start-ups, fintechs. The BIK HUB program, the main element of which is the technological sandbox, is a research space for professional verification of the real needs and market reaction to the designed IT solution. The first initiative under the BIK HUB Program is the pilot of BIK Open API, a platform integrating data from multiple sources. It’s easy access to a wide range of information based on geolocation. It is also access to integrated data of various entities operating in the field of real estate, finance, insurance, consumer research, digital marketing and data science.


FinTech Poland is a strategic partner of BIK HUB


Sandbox Blockchain is the Poland's first business and technology platform designed to accelerate the development of innovative blockchain solutions, made available free of charge to the approved users The solution enables companies to test HLF blockchain-based services designed for the financial sector and other industries. The platform is a so-called sandbox, an isolated system that simulates the final production environment.


Fintech Poland is a content partner of Sandbox Blochain.

SuperVision FinTech Talks

As part of creating a forum for dialogue between the supervisory authority and market participants, we launched Supervision FinTech Talks. It is a series of webinars for the fintech sector, in which experts from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority meet with market participants to jointly discuss regulatory, technological and business topics related to the financial innovation ecosystem. The issues raised during the debates are strategically important for the development of the financial sector - therefore they require an open dialogue with the supervisory authorities. Discussions are not always easy, but they are needed to build an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust.


Fintech Poland is an organizer of SuperVision FinTech Talks.

Next-generation financial center

We promote the idea of building an international financial center for the new generation in Poland, which is why we are committed to creating a strategy for the dynamic development of the financial sector and the entire financial ecosystem.

Postgraduate Studies in FinTech - New Phenomena and Technologies in the Financial Market

This year FinTech Poland has once again assumed patronage over the “FinTech – new phenomena and technologies on the financial markets” post-graduate studies program. This program is designed to provide students with unique knowledge. It deals with the economic, legal, and technological aspects of launching innovative solutions in the financial industry (FinTech). Classes are conducted so that participants obtain specialized, practical knowledge on the above subjects.


    Gabriela Kocurek


    Specjalizuje się w prawie nowych technologii i regulacji rynków finansowych, prawie własności intelektualnej, prawie ochrony danych osobowych oraz prawie zamówień publicznych. 

    Jest ekspertem w obszarze regulacji dotyczących usług chmurowych oraz outsourcingu usług IT, z uwzględnieniem specyfiki sektora finansowego. Wspiera klientów w obszarze zamówień publicznych, z uwzględnieniem specyfiki zamówień w sektorze IT.


    Doradza w szczególności klientom z branży FinTech, IT, cyberbezpieczeństwa, e-commerce i branży nowych technologii:

    • Posiada bogate doświadczenie w przygotowywaniu i negocjowaniu umów IT, umów wdrożeniowych oraz umów na świadczenie usług IT w modelu SaaS a także umów licencyjnych, dotyczących przeniesienia know-how, transferu praw własności intelektualnej jak również umów dotyczących komercjalizacji wyników prac badawczo – rozwojowych.
    • Wspiera klientów z sektora FinTech w dostosowaniu umów i wdrażaniu wymogów regulacyjnych właściwych dla sektora finansowego. Doradza i wspiera klientów w negocjowaniu umów IT w reżimie outsourcingu bankowego, inwestycyjnego, chmury obliczeniowej i outsourcingu w rozumieniu wytycznych EBA.
    • Doradza w zakresie umów IT oraz ochrony danych osobowych podmiotom z branży IT Security.
    • Współuczestniczyła w audycie procedur ochrony danych osobowych w grupie spółek o zasięgu globalnym.
    • Doradza klientom w zakresie prowadzenia kampanii marketingowych o zasięgu międzynarodowym.
    • Wspiera klientów kancelarii w postępowaniach o udzielenie zamówień publicznych. Doradzała klientowi kancelarii w postępowaniu o udzielenie zamówienia publicznego na wdrożenie Platformy Kanałów Elektronicznych przez Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego oraz z sukcesem reprezentowała klienta w postępowaniu dotyczącym tego zamówienia przed Krajową Izbą Odwoławczą.

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