Created in 2016 FinTech Poland is an independent and not-profit think tank specializing in digital finance.

    Our mission

    is to accelerate development of the digital finance sector and create financial centre of new generation in Poland.

    We provide a forum for dialog for market participants, regulators and decision makers to build a favorable regulatory environment for the digital finance sector.

    We research and analyze new developments in the digital economy, Internet space and financial sector.As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.

    We build a vibrant fintech ecosystem open for all stakeholders, from startups and global financial institutions to investors, professional services firms and public institutions.

    We actively promote the digital finance sector in Poland and Polish fintechs abroad in order to strengthen the importance of Poland as a financial center.

    What we do


    We provide networking opportunities, helping connect market participants with industry leaders and stakeholders to share knowledge and experiences.


    We publish reports and analysis of market trends and new developments which could bring opportunities and risks for market players and the whole ecosystem.


    Our experts provide analysis of current and proposed policies that may impact the digital finance sector and interests of our members and partners.


    We engage with key policy actors, including regulators and supervisors, to create a platform for dialogue with market participants in order to improve the conditions for fintech to grow.


    We help build programs that accelerate the development of new digital financial solutions and facilitate technology testing.


    We organize cutting-edge training, seminars and workshops on a wide range of topics related to digital finance. We educate customers, market participants, regulators and the whole ecosystem.


    We promote Polish digital finance abroad and by acting as a single point of contact, we encourage foreign players to invest, operate and grow in Poland.

    Services & solutions

    We provide professional advice and support based on our legal, economic, technical and communication knowledge.


    Our approach applies a unique combination of market and regulatory experience to solve legal and business challenges. Our strengths lie in the relationships we have built and the insights we have developed by working with industry and regulators on new policy and business initiatives.


    We help to identify ways for greater regulatory certainty and solve regulatory problems. We also help foreign companies that want to expand their presence in Poland and EU in understanding the local legal framework, setting priorities and formulating a practical strategy.


    We help shape the vision of the product in a realistic context of regulatory possibilities.


    We support development of regulatory and virtual sandboxes, and we can help you to implement yours. Whether you're a bank, fintech, bigtech or technology provider we can assist you do it better.


    We help design and implement communication strategy of regarding your innovation or acceleration programme.


    President of the FinTech Poland. Previously he was vicepresident of Cashless Poland Foundation, director of the Payment Systems, Electronic Banking and Security Unity at the Polish Bank Association, Board Member of the European Payments Council, member of the Payment Systems Committee of the European Banking Federation, member of Payment System Market Expert Group at the European Commission and independent member of supervisory boards of leading payment institutions in Poland (First Data Polska SA, PayU SA). He was a co-director of Founder Institute in Warsaw and co-founder of, He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw and the Leadership Academy of Poland. Paweł is also an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw and head of Financial `Regulation and Technology Center. He graduated from the Leadership Academy for Poland.

    Vice-president of the FinTech Poland Foundation. Formerly Advisor to the Management Board of the Polish Bank Association. For many years, he has participated as an expert in legislative work on the most important regulations concerning the banking sector and the payment services market. He was also a coordinator of the activities of the Banking Law Council at the Polish Bank Association. An expert in the field of banking law, payment services and systems, electronic banking, electronic identification, and trust services, outsourcing, cybersecurity, and new technologies. A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. He obtained a Diploma in the Introduction to English Law and the Law of the European Union from the University of Cambridge.

    Senior lawyer in the legal department of FinTech Poland, specializing in banking law, payment services, and regulatory issues related to anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF). Zuzanna has professional interests in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, especially in AML. In 2024 she defended her thesis “The use of artificial intelligence in the financial sector with a special focus on AML systems”. She has managed complex projects at the intersection of regulation and business, such as regulatory sandboxes and regulatory implementation, often involving multiple work streams. She has co-authored publications on AML, cybersecurity, MIFID, PSD2 and RODO.

    Manager with over 20 years of experience. She is a specialist in the area of management and communication. Previously, the General Manager of Campiri Poland, launching one of the region’s largest online campervan booking platforms in Poland and Slovakia. At Cenatorium-Inplus Group, as Operations Director, she was responsible for international projects, cooperation with partners, and the administrative and human resources area. During her career, she also headed the Partnership and Communication Department of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. The former advisor to the board of directors at the Poland Cashless Foundation. Graduate of Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Warsaw and Human Resource Management at the School of Promotion. Graduate of the Vital Voices mentoring program. Volunteer and social activist.

    Advocate, senior lawyer in the legal department of FinTech Poland. Specialises in banking and finance law, payment services law and regulatory matters in relation to crypto assets and open finance. Prior to joining FinTech Poland, she worked for a leading international law firm advising on numerous domestic and cross-border financing transactions and public and private bond issues. She graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw in 2017. In addition, she completed a course in US law co-organised by Columbia Law School and Leiden University

    Specialist in communication and PR for almost a decade. Has been associated with the SME sector for years. She managed communications at the Polish Craft Association and the Foundation for the Development of Entrepreneurship. Her focus was on promoting EU projects for small and medium-sized enterprises and social dialogue. Editor of the monthly magazine „Mała Firma”. Prior to joining FinTech Poland, she worked with PR agencies in Poland and the EU. A globetrotter and co-author of the travel blog “Za morzem Bóg wie co,” where she described her round-the-world journey through Europe, Asia, Australia, and the USA. From her pedagogical studies at the University of Warsaw, she transitioned to vocational education and became a licensed confectioner. She managed kitchen operations in restaurants and hotels in Poland and abroad.

    Gabriela Kocurek


    Specjalizuje się w prawie nowych technologii i regulacji rynków finansowych, prawie własności intelektualnej, prawie ochrony danych osobowych oraz prawie zamówień publicznych. 

    Jest ekspertem w obszarze regulacji dotyczących usług chmurowych oraz outsourcingu usług IT, z uwzględnieniem specyfiki sektora finansowego. Wspiera klientów w obszarze zamówień publicznych, z uwzględnieniem specyfiki zamówień w sektorze IT.


    Doradza w szczególności klientom z branży FinTech, IT, cyberbezpieczeństwa, e-commerce i branży nowych technologii:

    • Posiada bogate doświadczenie w przygotowywaniu i negocjowaniu umów IT, umów wdrożeniowych oraz umów na świadczenie usług IT w modelu SaaS a także umów licencyjnych, dotyczących przeniesienia know-how, transferu praw własności intelektualnej jak również umów dotyczących komercjalizacji wyników prac badawczo – rozwojowych.
    • Wspiera klientów z sektora FinTech w dostosowaniu umów i wdrażaniu wymogów regulacyjnych właściwych dla sektora finansowego. Doradza i wspiera klientów w negocjowaniu umów IT w reżimie outsourcingu bankowego, inwestycyjnego, chmury obliczeniowej i outsourcingu w rozumieniu wytycznych EBA.
    • Doradza w zakresie umów IT oraz ochrony danych osobowych podmiotom z branży IT Security.
    • Współuczestniczyła w audycie procedur ochrony danych osobowych w grupie spółek o zasięgu globalnym.
    • Doradza klientom w zakresie prowadzenia kampanii marketingowych o zasięgu międzynarodowym.
    • Wspiera klientów kancelarii w postępowaniach o udzielenie zamówień publicznych. Doradzała klientowi kancelarii w postępowaniu o udzielenie zamówienia publicznego na wdrożenie Platformy Kanałów Elektronicznych przez Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego oraz z sukcesem reprezentowała klienta w postępowaniu dotyczącym tego zamówienia przed Krajową Izbą Odwoławczą.

    Kwalifikacje i uprawnienia zawodowe

    Radca prawny przy Okręgowej Izbie Radców Prawnych w Krakowie.

    Absolwentka studiów podyplomowych na kierunku Prawo Zamówień Publicznych na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

    Absolwentka studiów magisterskich na kierunku Prawo na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.

    Absolwentka studiów licencjackich i magisterskich na kierunku Administracja na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.